Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I Can't Wait

There are so many privileges I have from being a stay at home mom. First of all, I get to be the last one dressed in the mornings. I also get to sort socks ALL day if desired. If someone gets the virus, I am the one who gets to clean up the puke, but also rock and hold the sick. But my dearest treasures are those little people conversations that I have been able to have with each of my blessings.

Kendall and I have a 2o10 project...to clean and organize her room. It truly may take the whole 12 months. However, we have spent alot of time in there the past week or so. I am continually putting items in the "give away" box and she is finding toys she has been looking soooo hard for and just wondered where they were.

I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit and how he teaches the little ones. He allows God's word to enter their ears and hearts and draws them near to Christ. I am amazed how hard he must work to bury truth and desire for truth into such young lives.

We were in her room tonight and talking about the most important things. Things like, what is my favorite shape of bendaroos, me remembering when she wore a certain outfit, and locating that one favorite book behind the bed. She then asked me a question, "Mom, you know what I can't wait for?" "What's that baby", I replied expecting it to be her birthday or Christmas. "I just can hardly wait for Easter". "Really, I said, why Easter?" "Mom, that is when Jesus rose from the dead after dieing on Friday for all of our sins!"

Wow. When was the last time I truly got excited about the sacrifice of life Christ gave for me? Do I ever long for the day set aside to honor and remember that sacrifice? Have I celebrated the true Easter in my daily walk?

Dear Lord,

Please let me never forget where I was when you died on the cross for my sins. Please never let me forget what I was when you paid the price. I do not ever want to think my forgiveness was cheap. It cost you everything! Precious Lord, may I not only expectantly wait the day set aside as Easter, but may my life celebrate Easter each day. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I love that! Kendall is so precious. It is always amazing to me how Jesus speaks clearly to children and they understand things I never thought a child could.
