Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thank you God for Shin Splints- Part 4

As I mentioned earlier, I was left in Lufkin since less than 24 hours earlier I had a c-section. Glenn's mother and his dearest friend Less both went on to Shreveport, literally with only the clothes on their backs. I remained in Lufkin. Although surrounded by my family and dear friends, I felt so alone. So helpless. So empty.

The dr. would call me every 3-4 hours with her report and I was free to call them at any time. Glenn was also keeping me very aware of the status of my little child. I wanted nothing more than to touch him. I knew if he could just hear his mother's voice he would pull through. IF he could just lay in my arms, skin to skin, he would make it. But yet, the only touch Chase could get of his mother was her constant continuous prayers that were pricking the heart of God. The dr. had called for an update and told me Chase was making slight improvements but was still very critical. She said, IF he makes it, because of his huge oxygen deprivation, he would most likely have cerebral palsy and possibly vision and hearing damage.

God has blessed me with parents that love God with all of their heart. They not only love God but they believe Him. As you know after surgery they want you up and walking as soon as possible. My mother and I were walking down the hall that evening and I remember so vividly being at the end of the hall with momma by my side and just breaking down like I had not done. She just held me up and let me cry. I asked her what I would do if Chase didn't make it? She would just reply, "I don't know baby, I just don't know." Then I asked her, "but what if he makes it and has cp?" She said, "We are gonna pray and believe that God is going to heal Chase. When he touched the blind man, he didn't need glasses and when he made the lame to walk they didn't need crutches. Now pray and believe! God heals completely!" Those words changed the way I prayed from there on...even to today. I learned right there in the hallway, with my gut aching from being split open and my heart broken to approach God with confidence and expectation.

And so my prayers began to sound like this...."Dear God, Heal Chase. Heal him completely. Touch him in a way that only YOU can touch. Let there be no doubt that he was touched by YOU. Lord, the only reason I want you to heal Chase is for YOU to receive glory, honor and praise. Let others see your healing in him and know that they have seen the hand of God at work. Father, heal him above all expectation of man. Heal him so that he will be above average. I realize that this is an opportunity for you to show your power and might. Thank you Father. In Jesus name, Amen. This was my continuous prayer for the next 11 days along with some other very specific requests. (to be continued)

God's promise that I claimed was: Matthew 21:22 "Whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall reveive."

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