Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"Made ya look"

In having 3 children, there always seems to be a game being played or aggravation going on. One of Cade's favorite things to do to Kendall, and tease her with "Made ya look". Chase has gotten too wise for this so he is no fun. However, the innocence of a 5 year old is the perfect stage for an older brother to tease.

You know the game. Someone says, "Look at that bear", and as the person turns, the antagonist says, "made ya look". This is sure to bring a rise to the one being teased.

Today, Kendall and I were riding together in the car, just the 2 of us. I don't know if she was missing her brother pestering her or just wanted to bother me, but she started the "game". "Is that Jesus", she said. I responded quickly with "where"? Then she answered me with the punch line, "made ya look". Hum, I thought. I was punked. She asked again, "Is that Jesus", and I found myself responding before I even thought, "where"? This time I was frustrated with myself for playing this silly game. She asked again, and then just answered herself with "where"?

Do you ever encounter someone that makes you think you just saw Jesus? Does anyone ever think that of you when they see you? Have you ever seen people in action and wondered, "Is that Jesus"? Or, have you ever quickly, anxiously, eagerly longed to see Him that you spontaneously said, "where"?

I wondered, in my daily walk, could someone spot my actions or hear my words and ask another, "Is that Jesus"? Would my walk and talk be that of such that could easily be confused for Jesus? Am I doing something for Christ that will 'make ya look'? It really is something to think about....

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