Thursday, April 30, 2009

Shifting Gears

Well, I have heard it said, and didn't believe it....."Just wait until they are teenagers". My advice to all parents of 12 year olds, is to not let them blow the 13th candle out. Something really weird happens. Their brain turns to jello!

I do not intend for this to be degrading about Chase, so please don't get a bad image of him. He will be 14 in August and I hope with 14 brings a little more thinking. He is a precious person. He has a great heart. He loves Jesus. But his days are spent mostly in neutral. He moves through his day with little or no effort. I average 2 days a week taking things to him at school that he has forgotten at home. I remind him to do the things he has done for years....bathing, brushing teeth, picking up clothes. As far as school work/home work, it is so far down his list of priorities that he never gives it a thought. He is never disrespectful and virtually never disobedient, but my stars.....he needs to put it in gear! I have used the analogy to him over and over...."baby, you can't ride through life in neutral, you have to drop it down to drive....neutral will only get you so far, mostly downhill, but when you encounter an incline, you're gonna come to a MUST put it in gear!"

As I have said this to him many many times, I just recently thought of how to apply that spiritually. As a Christian, I must also "drop it down to drive" and quit coasting. Often I think I coast on grace and the security of my salvation and neglect to drop it down to drive and allow the power of the Holy Spirit to empower my life. For if we only coast in neutral, when we reach an incline in life, we will not make it up and over.

I have started to realize that my spiritual life is meant to be lived intentional....that everything we do or say should be of purpose....purpose to further the kingdom and glorify God.

Dear Lord,
Please help me to "drop it down to drive" and live each step and moment for you. In Jesus name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I have heard that word INTENTIONAL soooo many times the past few months. That's a hard word to swallow sometimes. Love your analogies!!!

    Did you get my message about your husbands testimony? Do you think he'd be willing to type it or write it for me? I think I might like to hear it.
