Sunday, January 25, 2009

Spilled Milk

The Bible study that I am doing has really been great for me. There have been some real heart searching moments and at times I feel like God plays a video in my head videos to help me understand. You probably think I am crazy, but I am sooooo visual, and He knows that.

This is my scripture focus:

"When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." And Simon answered, "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! (I imagine a big ole sigh here) But, at your word I will let down the nets." And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking." Luke 5:4-6

How many times have I had a child that has "wanted to do it themselves"? Many many times. One recent example I can think of is my 4 year old wanting to pour milk by herself into a cup. The milk jug was really big. The cup was really small. It was the recipe for disaster. But, wanting to prove my point, that she needed my help, I let her go on and try it herself. I knew there would be a mess, but I was ready to clean it up....if that's what it was going to take to teach her the lesson that she does need my help and quite possibly needs me to do it all for her.

She tries, very hard to make it all happen just like mom does. She wanted the milk to end up in the cup and not on the counter. That was her goal. However, as hard as she tried, milk ended up on the table, chair and her clothes with very little being in her cup.

The principle: Just as Kendall wants to do it "by herself", I often scream out the very same thing to God. BUT, when I make a mess of things, like the spilled milk, that is when I call for help. That is also when God is there to clean things up....hoping I learned my ask Him for help in the beginning.

I imagine that was exactly how Simon felt. He told Jesus.....we have tried and tried and tried and there are just not any fish.....but we are willing to try we will try it your way.
And what happened, when Simon tries it Jesus' way, their nets were bursting.

Dear Lord,
Help me to move slow enough to ask you first for help. I don't want to have to call on you to clean up yet another mess. Help me to avoid messes and go with you from the beginning. I love you. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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