Friday, January 9, 2009


A conversation with Kendall, 4 years old.

"Mom, did you know you are a sinner in your heart?" "Yes, baby, I did know that." "Momma, did you know that Jesus comes into your heart and He makes it beep (beat)?" "Well, yes, I guess you are right." "Momma, did you know that if I were to go into a cat, that it would then be a talking cat?" "Nope. I didn't know that one."

I have seen so much this week on television about John Travolta's son, Jett, dying. That is the saddest thing I think this side of heaven that you can experience. However, they have also talked about their faith in Scientology and reincarnation. SOOOO, I feared Kendall was kinda getting wind of the whole reincarnation junk and wanting to come back or become a cat. Whew....I was sooo relieved to know she was just being 4.

I do think she has such a clear understanding about becoming a Christian, at least for a 4 year old. Jesus IS who makes our heart beep when we invite him in. And just like she would make that cat a talkin' cat, He is to be seen and heard through us.

So, am I letting Jesus shine through?

Dear Lord,
Thank you for saving me and moving into my life. Please help me let you shine through. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. That's too funny! To have the faith and understanding of a child!
